Why are mobile chargers only white or black?

Why are mobile chargers only white or black | A lot of reasoning has been put into making mobile chargers black or white and this has been done very thoughtfully. So let’s find out what is the reason behind it.

  • What is the secret behind the mobile charger being black and white? 
  • Black color is called an ideal emitter 
  • White colored chargers have less reflector capacity

Why are mobile chargers only white or black?

Why are mobile chargers only white or black?

Have you ever wondered why mobile chargers are only white or black after all? Why is it that the charger is not made in any other color? If you have never noticed this, today we are telling you the reason. A lot of reasoning has gone into making the charger black or white, and this has been done with much thought. So let’s find out what is the reason behind it.

Why are chargers black?

The rationale behind why chargers are black is that this color absorbs heat better than others. Black color is called and considered an ideal emitter. Which has an emission value of 1. It is also said that if black material is bought then it is good. Other colored materials are slightly more expensive. This is the only reason why the charger is made in black color.

Why is the charger white?

Earlier, the chargers came in black. But again the charger was made in white color. There are many companies that only offer white color chargers. The reasoning given is that it has less reflector capacity. This color does not allow heat from outside to reach inside. This controls it.

After all, how mobile chargers work ?

Every charger works almost the same way. The current that comes to the house is for AC. AC means Alternate Current. In such a situation, the plug of household appliances is put in this socket. They do not require any kind of converter. But if a device has a battery such as a phone, it needs DC current. This is where the mobile charger is used, it is a device that stores the charge of the battery and then converts it from AC to DC.



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