Most Famous Ukhana |Quiz | Puzzle | And Interview Questions NO.1

 Gujarati ukhana is one of  the best tell keyword in since ancient . many people spend some time by asking some quiz or ukhana type questions.some inteligence people can answer this questions or some are not, this ukhana is also measures iq of any persons that how smart he or she is .
In previous post we have written about one post of ukhana . in this post we are going for new gujarati ukhana or you cn also say interview questions.many times this type of questons may asked in examseither in gpsc or in psi or in ias interview so lets start the ukhana

Gujarati ukhana or interview question No . 1

“Once You are sleeping in a room, Your father is ringing a door, because he is hungry,He is demanding for food, You have a refrigerator in your room, This refrigerator have only bread and milk in it. So what you will open first.”

Think It ?????

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Yes Correct Answer  Is :EYE
First of all you will open the EYES then you will open up the door and then freeze ?? Isn’t it so fuuny and simple ??/

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