hello readers welcome to www.gujaratrojgar.in. In this post we have added several Quiz Questions Related to the Computer subjects. In Previous quiz sections we have given the test of the bhartiy arthvyavastha. in this quiz post we have added several computerquestions which will be very useful for the all upcoming PSI And Bin Sachivalay Exams.
AboutComputer :
A PC is a machine that can be customized to complete successions of number-crunching or intelligent activities consequently. Present day PCs can perform conventional arrangements of activities known as projects. These projects empower PCs to play out a wide scope of undertakings. A PC framework is a “finished” PC that incorporates the equipment, working framework (fundamental programming), and fringe hardware required and utilized for “full” activity. This term may likewise allude to a gathering of PCs that are connected and work together, for example, a PC organization or PC group.
An expansive scope of mechanical and purchaser items use PCs as control frameworks. Straightforward unique reason gadgets like microwaves and controllers are incorporated, as are plant gadgets like mechanical robots and PC helped configuration, just as broadly useful gadgets like PCs and cell phones like cell phones. PCs power the Internet, which joins countless different PCs and clients.
So Lets Directly start the gk gujarati quiz of Computer now
Gk Gujarati Quiz No.: 38
Subject : Computer
Total Questions : 20