Ministry of Triable Affairs, Eklavya Model Residential School Has Published Notification For The Post Of principal,PGT And Tgt Vacancies Across over the 17 states in India.
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs through its autonomous body, the National Education Society for Tribal Students has embarked on a major drive to fill around 3479vacancies of teaching staff in the Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) in 17 States acrossthe country. This will result in positioning of quality human resource in the EMRSs resulting in improved educational standards in the EMRSs. The teaching staff in 4 different posts of Principal, Vice Principal, PGTs and TGTs will be recruited through a centralized computer–basedtest followed by inter–views (excluding TGTs) to be conducted by respective States.
The recruitment shall be done state–wise based on state specific vacancy as tabulated below:
The scheme of EMRS is a flagship intervention of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to provide quality education to the tribal students in the tribal areas of the country. The scheme, in operation since 1998 underwent a major revamping in the year 2018–19 to improve the geographical outreach of the schools to every block with 50% or more ST population and 20,000 or more tribal persons with an aim to improve accessibility to the schools. Under the revamped scheme, 452 new schools will be setup in addition to theexisting 288 schools thereby taking the total number of schools to 740
in the coming years.Out of these, proposals submitted by States for opening of 100 schools have been finalised, where in construction will start soon.
Name of the Post: EMRS Principal, PGT & TGT
Total No Of Vacancy: 3479
Important Dates:
Starting Date to Apply Online: 01-04-2021
Closing Date to Apply Online: 30-04-2021
Dates for Exam: 1st week of June.
Age Limit :
Available Soon
Available Soon
Vacancy Details :
Sl.No. State/UT Principal Vice
Principal PGT TGT Total
1. Andhra Pradesh 14 06 0 97 117
2. Chhattisgarh 37 19 135 323 514
3. Gujarat 17 02 24 118 161
4. Himachal Pradesh 01 00 06 01 08
5. Jharkhand 08 08 132 60 208
6. Jammu & Kashmir 02 00 00 12 14
7. Madhya Pradesh 32 32 625 590 1279
8. Maharashtra 16 08 28 164 216
9. Manipur 00 02 08 30 40
10. Mizoram 00 03 02 05 10
11. Odisha 15 11 12 106 144
12. Rajasthan 16 11 102 187 316
13. Sikkim 02 02 17 23 44
14. Telangana 11 06 77 168 262
15. Tripura 01 03 36 18 58
16. Uttar Pradesh 02 02 37 38 79
17. Uttarakhand 01 01 03 04 09
Total 175 116 1244 1944 3479
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply
Important Links
Apply Online Available on 01-04-2021
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