Vrudh Pension Sahay Yojana 2025 https://sje.gujarat.gov.in/

The Social Security Department facilitates to avail social empowerment through the activities of welfare and rehabilitation of the weaker sections of the society like Orphans, destitute, children and youths, who are turned to offensive activities and the girls who became prey to the circumstances, physically and mentally disabled children and adults, old aged persons, destitute widows and beggars. Keep visiting GujaratRojgar.In for more latest government Schemes 2021. 



Where to apply :-

Apply to respective Taluka Mamlatdar.

The Taluka Mamlatdars are authorized to approve or disapprove the assistance under this scheme. An appeal can be given to Prant Officer in 60 days in case of disapproval of the application. 

The Social Security Department facilitates to avail social empowerment through the activities of welfare and rehabilitation of the weaker sections of the society like Orphans, destitute, children and youths, who are turned to offensive activities and the girls who became prey to the circumstances, physically and mentally disabled children and adults, old aged persons, destitute widows and beggars.

Documents to be attached with the application :-

  • BPL Certificate   
  • Age Certificate

Eligibility Criteria :

  • 60 years or more
  • Member of the family in 0 to 20 score of BPL list.


Eligibility Criteria :

  • The family should be in BPL List.
  • The natural or accidental death of the main income earner of the family.
  • Age of dead male or female should be more than 18 years and less than 60 years.
  • Application to be submitted within 2 years after the death.


Benefits :- 

  • Rs. 20,000/- to the family. 


Monthly Assistance :-

  • Rs.500/- for 60 to 79 age group and Rs. 1000/- for more than 80 years which also includes Rs. 500/- by State Government.


Mode of assistance: 

  • By money order. Option to get financial assistance through Post Account or Bank Account pension by D.B.T. credit. 


 Download – Form Vrudh Sahay Yojana


Important Link

ઇન્દિરા ગાંધી વૃદ્ધ પેન્શન સહાય યોજના માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

નિરાધાર વૃદ્ધ પેન્શન સહાય યોજના ઓફિસિયલ સાઈટ માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

ઇન્દિરા ગાંધી વૃદ્ધ પેન્શન સહાય યોજના ફોર્મ માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

નિરાધાર વૃદ્ધ પેન્શન સહાય યોજના અરજી ફોર્મ માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

વૃદ્ધ પેન્શન સહાય યોજના નો લાભ કંઈ રીતે લેવો જોવા માટે અહિ ક્લિક કરો

ઇન્દિરા ગાંધી રાષ્ટ્રીય વૃદ્વ પેન્શન યોજના ફોર્મઅહિં ક્લીક કરો
ઇન્દિરા ગાંધી રાષ્ટ્રીય વૃદ્વ પેન્શન યોજના ઓફીસીયલ સાઇટઅહિં ક્લીક કરો

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