Avoid stress and anxiety: Instead of worrying, accept that holding your breath for 6 seconds has many benefits

Avoid stress and anxiety: Instead of worrying, accept that holding your breath for 6 seconds has many benefits | In today’s busy life, people do not get time for themselves. Due to this stress and anxiety have to be faced. Many of these people are worried because of their work, while many people are worried about their family. If we talk about America, 4 crore people are fighting against anxiety disease.

So it is necessary that we try to stay away from stress and anxiety in our own way, due to which the body and mind will get some rest. For this we should accept anxiety instead of being disturbed. Tara Swart, a neuroscientist from New York, has given some tips to overcome stress and anxiety. He said that when you feel stressed, take a deep breath through your nose and hold it for 5 seconds. Now inhale again for one second and hold for 3 seconds. Exhale slowly for 6 seconds.

By doing this exercise 3 times, the carbon dioxide will leave the body well. The body gets rest. Prolonged exhalation increases the pressure on the receptors of the heart. A message is sent to the brain to slow the heart rate. Another exercise is the Hoff Salamander. For this you sit in a comfortable position and look ahead. Look with your eyes to the right without turning your head. Now turn the head also to the right side and stay like this for 30 to 60 seconds. Now do the same exercise in the other direction as well.


Practicing the 5-5-5 formula can reduce stress

Think of five things you see around you. Listen carefully to the five sounds you hear around you. Move 5 parts of the body, such as twisting the ankles, twitching the ears, tilting the head up and down. This exercise may sound funny, but it relaxes the body and mind.

Avoid stress and anxiety: Instead of worrying, accept that holding your breath for 6 seconds has many benefits.


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