Agricultural scientist Recruitment Board Has Published Notification For the post of National eligibility test, Agriclutural research service,senior technical research And senior tecnical officer. Other details like notifications and apply online critera are mentioned below.
Total No. Of Vacancy : 287
Pubish Date : 1/1/2021
Important Dates And Time:
- Starting Date to Apply Online: 05-04-2021 at 10:00 AM
- Last Date & Time for submission of Online Application Form: 25-04-2021 till 05:00 PM
- Last date and time for making online fee payment: 25-04-2021 till 05:00 PM
- Date for Combined Preliminary Exam: During 21-06-2021 to 27-06-2021
- Date for ARS-2021 (Mains) Examination: 19-09-2021
- Date of Interview for the post of STO (T-6): To be notified later
- Date of Viva-voce for ARS-2021 Examination: To be notified
Age Limit criteria:
minimum age required : 21 years
There is no maximum age limit mentioned For NET, For ARS Its 32 Years And For the STO its 35 year
Educational qualification :
Required master degree in relevant Stream
How To apply:
A candidate seeking admission to the Examination must apply online in the prescribed Application Form available on the website: Important Instructions to the candidates for filling online application are given in Annexure-I. Candidate must read the provisions, contained in this Notification carefully and shall abide by the same. Candidate must fulfil all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limits, educational qualifications, etc. prescribed for admission to the examination. The online Application filling process will be opened from 1000 Hrs on05.04.2021 till 1700 Hrs on 25.04.2021 after which the link will automatically get disabled. The candidates are not required to attach copy of any of the documents /certificates in support of their candidature at the time of submission of online application. The candidates in their own interest must satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the examination. In the event of ineligibility being detected by the Board at any stage, including after declaration of result, their candidature shall be cancelled and they shall be liable for legal action. As NET Certificate would be issued to the qualified candidates through DigiLocker app only, due care should be taken by the candidates to fill up their online application form.
No request for change in any field i.e., Centre of Examination, Discipline, Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender, E-mail Id, Mobile No., Phone No., Category, Medium of Examination etc. will be considered under any circumstances. Candidates are, therefore, advised to be very careful while filling up their application forms.
Syllabus | Click Here |
Notification | Click Here |
Official Website
Last Date Extend |
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