SWASTHYA SUDHA AAYUREVDA ई-पुस्तक PDF: A disease is any physical or operating change that occurs under normal conditions that causes discomfort, impossibility, or impairs a living organism’s fitness। Disease is either a body or area of the body that is not functioning properly with anonymous symptoms। sorting to the Oxford English Dictionary, the function of certain parts of the body that interfere with or break their functions Complications are significantly divided into two categories, which should be listed below।

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Infectious diseases:

Infectious diseases are those which spread fastly from one to another. These type of diseases are caused by deadly pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and AIDS.

Non-communicable diseases:

Non-communicable diseases only develop in individuals and their presence is limited। न दूर करें। Cancer, a non-communicable disease, is caused by uncontrollable growth of endogenous tissue in the body that can lead to death।

Typhoid is caused by a bacterium and is very common। Salmonella typhi bacterium causes it। These bacteria are arranged in a diseased way in the natural intestinal section। The disease is most common in children between the ages of 1 and 15। This disease affects approximately 2.5 million people per year। क्या है typhoid bedspread? Let us know।

The disease is spread by contaminated water and food from the case’s feces। Pathogens enter the body through the mouth and enter the intestines before entering the blood and reaching other organs। causing damage to the intestine wall। Bakteries have an incubation period of one to three weeks। 2 सप्ताह की औसत अवधि।

Signs of typhoid

Symptoms include a high fever in the following days, which subsides after taking the medication। चक्कर आना, पेट दर्द, constipation और intestines bulging Liver and spleen expand। Vidal test determines typhoid। Antibiotics can be used।


It is caused by bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae in humans। Pneumococcus is the common name for Streptococcus pneumoniae। A simple disease of the respiratory tract is pneumonia। In the airways and trachea, fluid builds up। Consequently, the lungs do not receive sufficient oxygen to survive।

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How is pneumonia spread?

The disease is spread through the case’s sputum. Pneumococci are gulped and blocked in the airways. Inflammation occurs in the alveolar hedge, which secretes a protein-rich fluid that also acts as a parentage ground for bacteria and clogs the airways.Recovery period is from 1-3 days. Pneumonia is more common in the aging.

Signs of pneumonia

The disease is succeeded by fever, conciseness of breath, cough and headache, in some cases the lips and fingernails turn from grayish to blue. Pneumonia is frequently caused by lacking nutrition, alcohol or drug poisoning, or infection with other illnesses, similar as influenza. Sputum is logged.


It’s one of the most crucial contagious diseases in humans. This is caused by rhinovirus. The virus infects the nose and respiratory tract. But can not affix to the lungs.

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