Steps And Health Benefits Of Pranav And Bharmari Pranayam



pranav pranayam can be performed After completing of all six pranayams  .This is very simple breathing exercise. Besides it, you can say that Pranav pranayam  is one type of meditation . Pranava Pranayam has unlimited healing potential. and is useful in most of the disorders.

First of all lets start with  how to perform pranav pranayam.



  2. Pranav pranayam is very simple to can either sit in  Padmasana, Sukhasana or in vajrashan position .
  2. close your eyes and think you are in heaven.
  2. start breathing normally and do concentrate fully on your breathing.
  2. whenever you are going to perform this pranayam, you should have control on your thought.

Do this pranayam for  5  minutes to 1 hour . you can do it even more time as this is only meditate pranayam.



    • Increase concentration.
    • Evolve perspectives.
    • Strengthen the mind.
    • It  helps to get relief from stress .
    • Reduce anxiety.
    • Gives healthy life
    • Gives spiritual energy.
    • Reduce stress.
  • Helps in spiritual development.

There is no restriction of age to perform this pranayam .Therefore all the age of people can do this pranayam


Bharmari Pranayam 

 Bharmari pranayam is the powerful breathing exercise. It  plays an important role to release agitation ,frustration and anger.

of the best benefit of bharmari pranaym is it helps to calm down the
mind .In this pranayam when we exhale the air from our lungs.we can
listen some sounds. which  is typically resembles the humming  sounds of
bees.Also  the word bharmari is one type of Indian bee ,that’s why it
named as bharmari pranayam.
now let’s see step by step procedure of bharmari pranayam


Steps for Bhramari Pranayama .

  • First of all Sit straight  in the floor in the Padmasana or Sukhasana pose.  and press your tragus with your thumb.
  • now Put your index fingers on the forehead. and close your eyes with that of  remaining fingers over it .
  • Now start inhaling maximum air through nose slowly.
  • Finally,keep your mouth closed and exhaled all the air with humming
    sound like that of Indian bee.If possible try to convert it in om  .It
    will help to  fill your entire body with full of positive energy.
  • Do it for 4-5 minutes.

Benefits of Bhramari Pranayam.

  1. Effective against hypertension.
  2. Effective to disease related to nervous system.
  3. It helps to relieves anger,anxiety and depression.
  4. Cures sinus problem.
  5. Control high blood pressure.
  6. calm the mind.
  7. Improve voice quality.
  8. .It is very helpful for pregnant women.

Precautions to be taken.


  1. It should be practiced  under expert’s guidance.
  2. Patient having heart problem should avoid.
  3. morning session should be more preferable.
  4. Pranayam should be done on empty stomach.
  5. If you feel dizziness while practicing, then stop it and start normal  breathing.


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