Punjab State coperative Bank Has Published Recruitment Notification for the post senior officer , It Officer, Clerk Cum Deo, Steno Typist Vacancy Etc. Candidates Who Are Willing To Fill Up the Form Online And Those Who Are interested And Eligible Candidates May Apply online Through Below Given Link. Keep visiting www.GUJARATROJGAR.For morr banking Jobs.
PSCB Introduction
Welcome to The Punjab State Cooperative Bank Ltd.(PSCB). Experience a whole new Era of Banking Technology, where banking is made easier and convenient for our customers.
The Punjab State Cooperative Bank provides you with the New Generation banking architecture to progress in the future in an evolutionary manner. Punjab State Cooperative Bank (PSCB) is customer centric.
PSCB History
The Punjab State Cooperative Bank was established on 31st August, 1949 at Shimla vide registration No. 720 is a principle financing institution of the cooperative movement in Punjab. In 1951 its Head Office was shifted to Jalandhar from where it moved in 1963 to Chandigarh. In the cooperative Banking structure, the position of the Punjab State Cooperative Bank is extremely important as the whole credit system revolves around it.
It has 17 branches and 1 extension counters in Chandigarh. There are 20 District Central Cooperative Banks having 802 branches all over Punjab, mostly in rural areas of the State.
To become a strong and vibrant cooperative financial institution.
To develop Cooperative Banks as strong and self-sustaining credit enterprise and to play a catalytic role in the development of
Total No Of Posts Vacancy :856
- Name Of Posts :
- senior officer ,
- It Officer,
- Clerk Cum Deo,
- Steno Typist Vacancy
Post In Details :
01 Senior Manager 40 Degree/ PG MFC/ MBA, CA
02 Manager 60 Any Degree, MFC / MBA, CA
03 Information
Officer 07 B.E/B.Tech/ B.Sc. (Engg)/ MCA/ M.Sc (IT)
04 Clerk-cum DEO 739 Diploma (Computer) Any Degree, PG
05 Steno Typist 10 Diploma (Computer) Any Degree, PG, Typing Knowledge
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online
Punjab State coperative bank is one of the leading coperative bank . You can apply for this job vacancy for the punjab state coperative bank ..
Minimum Age Limit: 18 years
Maximum Age Limit: 37 years
Age Relaxation is Applicable as per rules
Apply Online : Click here
Notification : Click here