Hello Aspirants In This polis sub inspector quiz we have added 46 questions of law paper which contains several questions related to constitution of india,driving rules and indian pinal code, All these questions were asked in 2017 law paper so dont ignore this online psi quiz test and other quizes regularly updated by gujarat rojgar team
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All the questions given in Gujarati languages. One Of the Major Thing About this quiz is that . we have colleted all this question from the Law paper which was taken on 2017. So this online test will helps you to check how many marks you can get through this law paper. this gives you a confidence that how your peparation is going on for psi.hope you will enjoy this quiz . It contains 50 questions which will be helpful for upcoming all exams .keep visiting our website regularly for More quiz.
www.gujaratrojgar.in Team Specially woriking and focuing to make several study materils,Online Quizes, Presenting Several Study materials infront of you. For Psi Preparations. We have collectd all the previous year PSI old exam Question Papers You can download this Gujarat Psi Prelim Exam Paper 2012/2015/2017
Gujarat Rojgar Quiz No : 8
subject : Law Paper 2
Total Questions : 46.
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