Digital sansad app download 2022: Recently Lok sabha speaker om birla launch the Digital sansad application for All citizens. Digital Sansad application is provide budget details 2022, Daily news of lok sabha and Elections and results. Keep visiting for more latest and helpful android application.
An App designed to provide one stop destination for viewing all information related to the Daily Business of the Lok Sabha. Users can see Live proceedings of the House, Members’ profile, Question/Answers and Todays’ Papers.
With an aim to make Parliamentary proceedings accessible not just to the members but also to the public at large, ‘Digital Sansad App’ was launched on Jan 27.
The Lok Sabha secretariat introduced the new app to help Members of Parliament access services such as checking personal updates like the status of their notices, House bulletins, and more. Speaking about the app, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla had said, “In a sovereign democratic republic, it is the duty of the Parliament to uphold the highest standards of transparency. Digital Sansad App is an empowering realisation of Parliament’s holistic and continuous efforts to keep progressing towards that goal”.
Digital sansad app download :
How will this app help MPs?
- The app will also help members of parliament to access services like checking personal updates viz., House bulletins, the status of their notices, etc.
- MPs are barred from using laptops inside the house. Thus, this app will become handy for MPs to get parliamentary information during any debate in the House.
- In future, this app will help MPs to log in for attendance, give questions for the Question Hour as well as submit notices for debates or adjournment motions.
Digital sansad app download :
The ‘Digital Sansad’ app is available on both android and IOS platforms. To download the app, click here.